Student and Parent Survey Results 2023-2024

Results are in from the 2023-2024 student and parent/guardian surveys, and Greenwood continues to fare well in many areas. Areas for improvement have also been identified.

Students and parents/guardians were invited to participate in two separate surveys last academic year.

Student Engagement Survey (Fall 2023)

Students were invited to participate in the survey last Fall. Standard questions were supplied and the results collated by the Learning Bar, a school survey company that supports student outcomes through assessments and more. The organization also provides comparisons for a school’s results year-over-year and to national averages.

Some highlights of the results, as well as areas for improvement were:
  • While the national average saw a decrease in student self-esteem by 7%, Greenwood saw a marginal improvement in students’ self-reported positive self-esteem.
  • Grade 9, 11 and 12 girls report higher levels of anxiety and depression than male counterparts.
  • 11% of students at Greenwood report bullying or exclusion is taking place in the hallways. While this is much lower than the national average, we have identified this as an area of concern and have made plans to address this.
  • Greenwood students’ participation in sports and clubs is well above the national average, at 68% of Greenwood students reporting they participate on a sports team and 83% reporting they have joined a club (compared to the national average of 46% and 28% respectively).
  • Girls’ participation in sports is seen as an area for improvement when compared to boys’ participation rates.
Plans for improving the survey results in the area of social comfortability include direct teaching, as well as the naming and practicing social skills in Adviser Sessions. We will also conduct continued outreach to girls with respect to sports teams.

Parent/Guardian Engagement Survey

The OurSchool parent/guardian survey was shared with parents this spring, with 151 responses recorded.

The survey is based on a “comprehensive questionnaire covering several aspects of parents' perceptions of their children's experiences at home and school.” The survey focuses on several key measures, including: do parents feel welcome and informed, do parents support learning at home, is our school safe and inclusive, as well as others. 

Here are a few highlights of the results and identified areas of improvement:
  • The Greenwood parents/guardians who responded to the survey reported feeling welcome and safe at school. 
  • 83% of respondents agree or strongly agree that their child's Adviser supports learning skills, social emotional needs and their school experiences effectively. Advisers will directly teach social skills in sessions this year.
  • 90% of respondents agree or strongly agree that Field Trips, Outdoor Education excursions and other experiential learning related activities contribute positively to their child's(ren's) education.
  • Respondents asked that Greenwood communicate sooner if a child is struggling with a course or if someone is doing really well. This feedback was shared with teachers, who have been asked to communicate home directly when necessary.
  • Respondents also asked for accountability and enforcement of uniform rules. This feedback was shared with all staff along with the expectation of enforcing uniform rules. Follow up will be carried out for repeat uniform infractions. 
  • Greenwood will continue to provide safe spaces for learning, thought diversity and discussions in a productive way, as well as staff training for ways to facilitate these discussions.
Thank you to all students and parents/guardians who participated in these surveys. Your feedback helps Greenwood grow and improve. We plan to conduct student and parent/guardian engagement surveys again this year. Information about these surveys will be shared closer to their facilitation date. 

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Greenwood College School

443 Mount Pleasant Road
Toronto, ON M4S 2L8
Tel: 416 482 9811
We acknowledge with gratitude the Ancestral lands upon which our main campus is situated. These lands are the Ancestral territories of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, Anishinabek and the Wendake. The shared responsibility of this land is honoured in the Dish with One Spoon Treaty and we strive to care for the land, the waters, and all creatures in the spirit of peace. We are responsible for respecting and supporting the enduring presence of all First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples. When away from this campus we vow to be respectful to the land by protecting and honouring it. We will create relationships with the people and the land we may visit by understanding the territories we enter and the nations who inhabit them.
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